Test the calendar at www.vipcal.net


Friday, July 9, 2010

vipCal Mobile - Get all VIP events on your mobile phone

Introducing vipCal Mobile

Try our new login for mobile devices. If you login at m.vipcal.net you will get event lists and  event details in a special layout for small screen real estates. You can even add events from your mobile phone. Try it and tell us what you think:

Standard Login: www.vipcal.net

Mobile Login m.vipcal.net

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Share events with your colleagues

Done. No need to fire up your e-mail client anymore. Just hit the Mail button, fill in the e-mail address und hit "Send". Try it.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

New button

Some users asked for an easy way to forward events by mail, so we're currently implementing a "Mail Event To" - button.

Will probably be available in list view and the "Show Event" view.

Hello world, we are beta...

hello world,

vipCal is a collaborative calendar for special, often non-public events: Media, entertainment, society, business, VIP, "invitation-only", premiere, opening events. Call it a "social calendar" if you're into buzzwords.

How does it work? Add a few events - get lots of events.

Why? It's a time-saver and contact tool.

Who should sign up? People who need events and can contribute events: Journalists, PR, Media, Organizers, Society, VIPs, Party Crowd.

Why vipCal ? Convenience! Filling out forms is boring. Our focus: Adding & Searching events must be simple. Save time with prefilled forms. Add events in just 1 second. And much more time savers. - Sign up now and tell us what you think.
