Test the calendar at www.vipcal.net


Thursday, March 25, 2010

New button

Some users asked for an easy way to forward events by mail, so we're currently implementing a "Mail Event To" - button.

Will probably be available in list view and the "Show Event" view.

Hello world, we are beta...

hello world,

vipCal is a collaborative calendar for special, often non-public events: Media, entertainment, society, business, VIP, "invitation-only", premiere, opening events. Call it a "social calendar" if you're into buzzwords.

How does it work? Add a few events - get lots of events.

Why? It's a time-saver and contact tool.

Who should sign up? People who need events and can contribute events: Journalists, PR, Media, Organizers, Society, VIPs, Party Crowd.

Why vipCal ? Convenience! Filling out forms is boring. Our focus: Adding & Searching events must be simple. Save time with prefilled forms. Add events in just 1 second. And much more time savers. - Sign up now and tell us what you think.
